11 Questions
international research project by ogalala kreuzberg together with the Festival of Contemporary Art Gogolfest, Ukraine.
“11 Questions” is a cooperative international research-project by ogalala kreuzberg connecting artist-groups in different countries throughout Europe. “11 Questions” wants to initiate a multi-perspective platform for critical thinking and imaginative storytelling to reinforce togetherness and exchange.
11 Questions ist ein internationales Rechercheprojekt, das Künstlergruppen quer durch Europa miteinander verbindet. 11 Questions initiiert eine Platform für gemeinsames Storytelling und künstlerische Kooperation.
Belief Matters II
Where are we going? Which road is the right one? Straight ahead or in a detour?
Using the video miniatures created in „Belief Matters I“ (2021) together with the Youth Theatre Teatromaiya (Mariupol/Ukraine) we start our journey through a fictional life – walking on, getting lost, searching for the right decisions, convictions and perspectives.
Live-Premiere: May 2022
Belief Matters I
What do you believe in? Who do you believe you are? Who do you believe I am? And who do I believe I am?
These seemingly simple questions accompany us for a lifetime and turn up in ever new contexts. In the international theatre-project “Belief Matters” we explore the fundamental beliefs that determine our identity, our personal choices and the way we look upon the world in dialogue with our colleagues from the Youth Theatre Teatromaiya (Mariupol/Ukraine). Along different stages of a fictional journey through our lives, we deal with topics such as the beginning and the end, freedom, hope, time, money, spiritual search, resistance, illness and old age.
The theatrical miniatures that are created and filmed by both teams are presented on youtube.
МіжЧасами | InBetweenTimes A Modern City Tale with Live Visualisation
A Modern City Tale with Live Visualisation
Mariupol Rhapsody
What´s the Sound of Mariupol?
In May 2021 time had finally com for our international Co-Production Mariupol Rhapsody” together with the Youth Theatre Teatromanyia, Mariupol and presented at STARTUP GOGOLFEST Mariupol.
29.5.2021 14.00/22.00 Live Performances at STARTUP GOGOLFEST Mariupol
Directors: Anton Telbizov (Teatromanyia) / Christine Dissmann (ogalala kreuzberg)
Special: Literatur Kostproben | Дегустація книжок
Literature becoming alive!
Дегустація книжок [про море]
Literatur Kostproben [Über das Meer]
Live-Stream 30.1.2021
„About the Sea“: literature-reading with the actors of Teatromanyia (Mariupol). Live-Visualisierung: Christine Dissmann (ogalala kreuzberg). Eine Kooperation mit Gogolfest_Lab und Open Theatre.
Дегустація книжок [Про героїв свого часу, частина І]
Literatur Kostproben [Helden ihrer Zeit. Teil. 1]
Live-Stream 21.3.2021
„Heroes of their Time“: literature-reading with the actors of Teatromanyia und ogalala kreuzberg. Live-Visualisierung: Christine Dissmann. In cooperation with Gogolfest_Lab und Open Theatre.
How can we build Bridges in Times of Catastrophy?
Like everyone else, we had to rethink our plans several times in 202o. What had been projected as a live performance together with the Youth Theatre Teatronmaniya, Mariupol to be presented at the Festival of Contemporary Art GOGOLFEST in spring 2020, turned out to be an intense and fruitful coming to terms with the challenges of pandemic times.
In september 2019 the ensemble of ogalala went on a self-initiated road-trip across Ukraine in search of those stories that were not yet to be read in the media. „11 Questions to Ukraine“ led us to cities as diverse as Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv and Dnipro, got us to meet many different people and even offered us the chance to get on a stage at the Festival of Contemporary Art GOGOLFEST in Dnipro.
What happens, when you´ve nothing left to lose?
Based on the traditional fairy tale “The Bremen Town Musicians” ogalala kreuzberg re-interpreted the anarchic upheaval of the four death-sentenced animals to a corrupt élite and relate it to conditions of ourselves. The physical performance does with little spoken language, but with direct action, rhythm and playful humour.
Shown in Kiew, Kharkiv and Dnipro during our trip to Ukraine, 2019