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Schauspiel | Musik | Tanz | Film | Visual art
Wir wollen keinen Realismus. Wir wollen Magie.
Hotel Hamlet
PREMIERE: 12.10.2024
What´s been on
Creeping Creatures
A microcosmic theatre journey by ogalala kreuzberg.
Small, many-legged, hairy, wing-flapping, buzzing, whizzing, whirring, chirping, crawling, stinging, blood-sucking creatures usually are not our best friends. We rather associate them with a lack of hygiene, itchy bites and sleepless nights. We look at them with disgust or even fear: Oh, how creepy! In fact, we are in an ongoing battle with insects.In „Creeping Creatures“ we invite you to discover the wondrous world of insects from an entirely new perspective: as a universe of charismatic personalities, survival specialists, extravagant dancers, singers, fashion heroes, ambitious show-stars, politicians and neurotic workers.
Surprising, enlightning and extraordinarily funny! Don´t miss!
A theatre&dance project by Christine Dissmann and Kathinka Sonneborn
Sat 25.11.2023 20:00
Sun 26.11.2023 20:00
HOTEL CONTINENTAL – Art Space in Exile Elsenstrasse 87 12435 Berlin
Tickets: 15 I 8 I 4 Euro (normal, reduced, „in exile“ price)
With: Amina Aliyeva, Matilda Behrends, Shea Slanetz, Carolina González, Vasyl Protsiuk, Tim Jätz, Johanna Stalherm, Emilija Milak, Fritz Surmann, Lucie Münichová.
Music: Paul Lesch
Choreography: Kathinka Sonneborn
Idea, text&direction: Christine Dissmann
Duration: 1 hour.
Language: english, spanish, ukrainian, belarusian, czech, serbian. With german subtitles.
15./16.10.2022 19:30
Unser ukrainisch-belarusisch-deutsche Theaterprojekt “MinskiyBerlin” zeigt sein Stück “InBetweenFires” noch einmal!
Spring 2022. A deserted landscape becomes the temporary home for a handful of vagabonds seeking shelter and food. Each of them has their own interpretation of what happened and how to go on from there. Together they set off to look for a better life, meeting with german burocracy, with hope, fury, despair – and somethimes even laughter. The ukrainian-belarusian-german theatre company “MinskiyBerlin” comprises the individual perspectives on current events to an intense theatrical evening. Premiere: July 2022.
15./16.10. 2022
19:30 Uhr Bar: 19:00
Eintritt: 4 I 12 Euro
HOTEL CONTINENTAL – Art Space in Exile
Elsenstrasse 87 12435 Berlin
Bilder der Aufführung:
Fotos: Mariia Petrenko
Director: Christine Dissmann
With: Anna Mrachovska, Iryna Poplavska, Oleksii Dorychevskyi, Sofiia Kroshka, Nastasja Berezin, Hans-Christian Straka, Fritz Surmann, Thieu Ha Minh, Amina Aliyeva.
Languages: Ukrainian, Belarusian, English, German. With subtitles
Messages From Mariupol
Zum Welttheatertag 2022
Sonntag, 27.März 2022 ab 18:00 im Deutschen Theater Berlin
Ein künstlerisches Programm getragen von Ukrainer:innen zum Welttheatertag. Veranstaltet vom Deutschen Theater Berlin, ogalala kreuzberg und das dokumentartheater berlin
Kammerspiele 18:00 Uhr Messages from Mariupol
Saal 20:00 Uhr Kriegstagebücher Lesung neuer Texte aus der Ukraine (DE/UKR)
Bar ab 20.00: Konzert
Als am Nachmittag des Mittwoch, 16. März 2022 eine russische Bombe das Drama Theatre im Herzen der belagerten Hafenstadt Mariupol zerstörte, war das nur der vorläufige Tiefpunkt der systematischen und vollständigen Zerstörung der Stadt ohne jede Rücksicht auf die Zivilbevölkerung durch die russische Armee.
Diesem unvorstellbaren Akt haben wir einen Abend entgegengesetzt, der der Stadt Mariupol und ihren Menschen ein Gesicht und eine Stimme gibt.
Mit: Andrii Palatnyi (Künstlerisches Leitungsteam Gogolfest, Kiyv/Ukraine)
Sofiia Melnyk (Animationskünstlerin)
Anton Telbizov (künstlerischer Leiter des Theaters „Teatromanyia“, Mariupol)
Gespräch: Josie Dale-Jones (London/UK), Evan Kosmidis (Athen/Griechenland), Madelaine Bongart (Lausanne/Schweiz) und Christine Dissmann (Berlin)
Musik: Paul Lesch&, Edda Hohberg und Viktoria Leléka
Einrichtung: Christine Dissmann
Belief Matters
A ukrainian-german film dialogue
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Who do you believe you are? Who do you believe I am? And who do I believe I am?
These seemingly simple questions accompany us for a lifetime and turn up in ever new contexts. In the international theatre-project “Belief Matters” we explore the fundamental beliefs that determine our identity, our personal choices and our world view in a dialogue with our colleagues from the youth theatre Teatromaiya (Mariupol/Ukraine). Along different stages of a fictional journey through our lives, we deal with topics such as the beginning and the end, freedom, hope, time, money, spiritual search, resistance, illness and old age.
The theatrical miniatures that are created and filmed by both teams are presented here:
Magic Belief I Магічна віра
It is in our childhood that we have the strongest and unconditional believes – magic, strong, untampered by reason.
Money Matters I Грошові питання
Love it or hate it – the eternal have or have-not, give and take, sell and buy defines our lives…
Freedom I свобода
Teatromaiya show us a very personal approach to freedom: it begins with the freedom you actually allow yourself to have…
Spiritual Search I Духовний пошук
Spritual Search is a live-long process, here seen and interpreteted by Teatromaniya actress Karina
Resistance I Опір
Are you ready to fight for your beliefs? To resist against opponents and antagonistsd? By ogalala kreuzberg.
Old Age I Старість
A reflection about passing time and lasting moments. By Teatromaniya
Початок I Beginning
By Teatromaniya
Beginning I Початок
By ogalala kreuzberg
Gefördert von:
recent projects
МіжЧасами | InBetweenTimes
A Modern City Tale with Live Visualisation
Center for Contemporary Art „Hotel Continental“, Mariupol I Director: Christine Dissmann, Actors: Karyna Kostiukova, Yevhen Miniaiev, Yevhenii Bachurin, Kyrylo Varchyn, Mariia Kharina, Eva Nedoruba, Veronika Dvorianchuk, Mekhman Hamidov I Artists: Anastasiia Tymchenko, Daria Balytska, Polina Yefremova, Mariia Zavoritnia, Marianna Kondratenko, Anna Arabadzhy, Valeriia Samusenko, Danyil Nemyrovskyi I Curator: Andrii Palatnyi I Coordinators: Victoriia Fedorov, Mariia Yakovenko, Alina Danylova.
In diesem Sommer fand die Kultur in Berlin DraussenStadt!
Wir haben die schöne Jahreszeit verlängert und Theater umsonst&draussen gespielt, unter freiem Himmel, zwischen den Bäumen des Tiergartens und am Strand vom Plötzensee. Der Eintritt war jeweils frei.
Mariupol Rhapsody
International Co-Production with Teatromanyia, Mariupol/Ukraine.
Artist Residency and Live Performance 21.-31. May 2021
What do we hear in absolute silence?
Where would you go if you could walk on water?
And how can we build Bridges in Times of Catastrophy?
Hier gehts zum Live-Mitschnitt auf Youtube:
Photos: Artem Galkin, Anastasiia Mantach
“Mariupol Rhapsody” is a co-production of the Youth Theatre Teatromanyia, Mariupol and the independent performance collective ogalala kreuzberg, Berlin together with GOGOLFEST. The production is part of the longterm artistic research-project “11 Questions”, powered by ogalala kreuzberg and GOGOLFEST.
29.5.2021 14.00/22.00 Live Performances at STARTUP GOGOLFEST Mariupol
Directors: Anton Telbizov (Teatromanyia) / Christine Dissmann (ogalala kreuzberg)
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